The TAO in Anything and Everything

<b>The TAO in Anything and Everything</b>
Get the TAO wisdom to live in reality with balance and harmony in every aspect of life.

Saturday, February 16, 2019

The Science of Happiness about Health

The Science of Happiness about Health

There is no clear scientific consensus that health and happiness are inter-related. Of course, if you are more optimistic, you may have a greater sense of purpose to do what you want to do in life; however, that still does not guarantee greater happiness or better health.

Most researchers and psychologists believe that 50 percent of human happiness comes from genes, that 40 percent from human choice of behaviors in the form of exercising and socializing, and that only 10 percent from circumstances and external factors.


Those who are happier are less likely to have a cold. Those who are obese are more likely to have a depression. Those who are happier may have a longer life. But they are no more than just assumptive predictions, and may not apply to YOU!
The bottom line: Get out of depression, not by avoiding it or suppressing it with medications, but by “going through it” with TAO wisdom in order to understand why you may have your depression in the first place. My Way! No Way! Tao Is the Way!

Stephen Lau
Copyright© by Stephen Lau

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