Tao Wisdom
TAO (道), also known as The
Way or Tao wisdom, is the ancient wisdom from China more than two thousand years
ago. It originated from the ancient classic Tao Te Ching, the
only book written by Lao Tzu, the Chinese sage, who was born with white
hair--often considered a sign of old age and wisdom.
”My words are easy to understand
easy to perform,
Yet no man under heaven
Yet no man under heaven
knows them or practices them.”
(Tao Te Ching, Chapter 70)
Above all, Tao wisdom is inspiring and intriguing.
There are altogether 81 short chapters, expressed in only 5,000 words. It
must be pointed out that there was no punctuation in the original
text. Given that each word In the Chinese language may be capable of
having multiple meanings, the text without any punctuation is open to many
different interpretations. A plausible explanation was that Lao Tzu was very
much reluctant to express his wisdom in words. As a matter of fact, according
to the legend, at that time he was at the point of leaving China for Tibet when he was stopped at
the city gate and was told by the guard that he had to put down his wisdom in
words before he could leave the country. Deliberately and defiantly, he put
down his wisdom concisely and precisely in only 5,000 words with no punctuation
at all.
Tao wisdom from Tao Te Ching is intriguing because
it is simple and open to various different interpretations. It is like the
three blind men, touching different parts of an elephant, who try to describe
what an elephant may look like.
Stephen Lau
Copyright© 2018 by
Stephen Lau
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