The TAO in Anything and Everything

<b>The TAO in Anything and Everything</b>
Get the TAO wisdom to live in reality with balance and harmony in every aspect of life.

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Conventional Wisdom About Living

Conventional wisdom is “conventional” in the sense that the majority of people have already accepted it as the norm, with the implication that others should follow suit—something like a blueprint.

However, if you want to live an extraordinary life, you are going to have to think for yourself, do the unimagined, and create your own definition of the reality for living—that is, living with your own wisdom, not necessarily following conventional wisdom or that of someone else.

What Conventional Wisdom Says About Living

In general, conventional wisdom has the following to say about how one should live.

Life Purpose

Most experts agree that life has to have a purpose, and living is to identify that life purpose and then follow a pathway to attaining that purpose. The explanation is that with no central purpose in life one may easily become a prey to fantasies, imaginings, and longings—the root causes of all emotional problems in contemporary life, such as anxiety, fear, and depression.

Thinking Questions

What is my life purpose?
Is a life in search of happiness purposeful?

Life Goals

The next step is to set clear and achievable goals with a timeline for each in order to bring one’s life purpose into fruition. Based on specific life goals, a person then develops a direction in life in order to achieve what he or she has set out to accomplish.

Life goals, however, must be clear and definite, achievable, and, above all, life-transforming in order to make life meaningful.

Thinking Question

Does life still have goals when I am nearing its end rather than its beginning?

Life Priorities

Determine the priorities of life goals by focusing on current skills and strengths that facilitate the attainment of certain immediate short-term as well as long-term goals. Meanwhile, explore and discover hidden gifts and talents for other life goal further down the road.
Life priorities have to be adjusted accordingly as life proceeds.

Life Passion

A life well lived must be a life of passion. Follow your heart: instead of following anything or anyone. Do what you are good at or what you are passionate about, and you will find your true self. If you like what you do and do what you like, you will do it well. Passion gives life and substance to whatever you do.

Thinking Success

An individual who develops the process of right thinking is more likely to succeed than the one who does not because that individual knows how to rule himself or herself under any difficult circumstance. Success in any endeavor in life has to do with the mind, which creates the attitudes for success.

Attitude towards discipline

Govern yourself to avoid ungoverned grief, tumultuous tempers, and unbridled passion—the root causes of some of the major disasters in contemporary life.

Attitude towards input

Great success requires great sacrifice.

Find the one thing you do well, and do not do anything else—or at least do not try to do everything at the same time.

Develop a strong inner circle to provide you with the right input. As for others, just ask certain friends to keep you updated on what is happening in the lives of your other friends. You cannot possibly catch up with everyone you know.

Spend time wisely. Focus on knowing and learning what is important to you. Remember, 99 percent of everything in life is what you do not need to know.

Sacrifice short-term enjoyment for long-term value goals. It is important to know the things you are giving up in life and how important they are to your life. Being willing to give up some of the things you love in order to focus on what has the greatest impact is not only a difficult life lesson to learn but also a difficult life choice to make. But living is about balance, which requires give-and-take.

Attitude towards failures

Learn to cope with ups and downs, obstacles and drawbacks in life.

Stephen Lau
Copyright© by Stephen Lau

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